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Fall Ball

Want to Play Fall Lacrosse?

Fall Ball

Are you looking for a way to keep your kid playing lacrosse this fall without making a substantial financial or time commitment? We have an exciting option for four weeks of Pure Fun!

Introducing Fall Ball!

Fall Ball is open to any boy or girl in 1-8th grade who played for PYL or another Mass Youth Lacrosse League team during the 2024 Spring Lacrosse Season. It is not open to new players, and every player must have played for an MYL-associated league in 2024. 

If you know someone who wants to TRY lacrosse for the first time, look for our Learn To Play Day Announcement, which is coming soon! 

What is Fall Ball?
The season consists of four consecutive Saturday sessions beginning September 14, 2024, and ending October 5, 2024. Fall Ball will be pick-up-style games on a full field with referees. Teams will be chosen based on how many participants show up each week. Each session will last one hour, beginning with a 10-minute warm-up, followed by a tiny yet informative skills session, ending in a 40-minute game consisting of four 10-minute quarters with 2-minute water breaks in between. 

Sessions will be held on Field 5 at Pipestave Hill in West Newbury. 
Cost is $25 per player to cover referee and field fees. 

Boys will play from 3-4 p.m. 
Girls will play from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. 

Each participant will provide their own lacrosse equipment and come wearing a reversible pinnie. (We have some to borrow if you don't have one or forget)

If you are interested in registering your child, you can REGISTER HERE. 

Be on the lookout for more exciting opportunities soon!