President - Angela Palmer
Boys Director - Tim Reardon
Girls Director - Lindsay Goff
Clerk & Fundraising - Julie Wisniewski
Treasurer - Rob Hatch
High School Liaison & Junior Officials Coordinator (for girls) - Lisa Maduzia
High School fields Liaison - Meghan Goldweber
Equipment/Uniform Manager - Keri Cartier
OPEN Board Positions
Girl's Assistant Director
Boy's Assistant Director
Interested in Volunteering?
We are always looking for more support on the Pentucket Youth Lacrosse Board. Whether taking on a specific role or just helping out when you can throughout the year, if interested we would love to hear from you. We are proud of the program we have created but it truly relies on the help from our surrounding communities to make it all work. No lacrosse experience is necessary, just volunteers who want to give back to their community and be advocates of everything the great game of lacrosse has to offer.
If interested in learning more
Contact PYL President Angela Palmer or PYL Boys Director Tim Reardon